Kings Oak Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

Kings Oak Hospital - part of Circle Health Group 08083048913 127 The Ridgeway, Enfield EN2 8JL
5 5 1 974
(974) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Cirugía ortopédica Urología Oncología Médica Pediatría Ginecología y Obstetricia Cáncer Cardiología Cirugía General Diagnóstico por imagen Soporte oncológico


Ginecología y Obstetricia

For some women in their golden years, it's natural to seek comfort and relief during menopause. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) promises this, but what if it doesn't seem to work as expected? Leading consultant gynaecologist Mr Mahantesh Karoshi invites us to unravel this together.

Ginecología y Obstetricia

Endometriosis is a chronic gynaecological condition affecting millions of women worldwide, characterised by the growth of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. Research has increasingly focused on the role of diet in the development and management of endometriosis. Evidence suggests that a diet high in meat and refined foods is associated with an increased risk of endometriosis, whereas a plant-based diet may have protective effects. Renowned consultant women’s health expert and consultant gynaecologist Mr Mahantesh Karoshi explores the link between the diet and endometriosis/ adenomyosis.



An introduction to Mr Sudhanshu Chitale
In this introduction video, Mr Sudhanshu Chitale, ...
Prostate enlargement and management options - Online interview
An enlarged prostate can cause problems with urina...

PIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito

Book directly with a consultant at this Hospital below

Miss Jasdeep Gahir
Cirugía Oncoplástica De Mama en North London
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Miss Jean McDonald
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Dr Mick Ozkor
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Mr Simond Jagernauth
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Mr Henry Atkinson
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